Your mission will be to care for our owners, tenants, and properties—the core of Castle’s business.

Owners trust us with their properties. Tenants trust us to meet their needs. As an Account Manager, you will nurture the trust of both parties. Specific duties include customer onboarding, marketing properties, moving tenants in (and out), collecting rent, and fielding maintenance requests. You’ll also help supervise a team of Customer Service Representatives.

Since Castle is still so young, you should also expect to critically evaluate our processes and makes suggestions for improvement. We believe there is always room to improve, and we need your help making our processes the best they can be.

We are mostly a remote team, so you should expect to work from home. If you’re located in Detroit, though, you’ll come into the office from time to time.

You should be:
  • Detail- and process-oriented
  • A top-flight verbal and written communicator
  • Driven to make everything better
  • A good cop at heart, but a bad cop if need be
You’ll get:
  • $40k/year
  • 0.1% equity

Interested? Tell us why you want to join the team at Résumé not necessary.