Making the Switch From Another Management Company

Unfortunately, it’s all too common for us to hear from people who are having a bad experience with their property manager.

While switching management companies can seem daunting, the last thing we want is for someone to delay a needed switch—or avoid the process altogether—because the process seems unclear. We’ve seen such delays lead to mishandled assess, mistreated tenants, and much larger headaches down the road.

That’s why we do everything we can to make the switch from another management company as easy as possible. There are only a few things we need new customers to retrieve from their previous managers:

Vacant Properties Occupied Properties
Keys Keys
Tenants’ contact information

There is some additional information we’ll require from you as the property owner, but that should be it for information you’ll need to get from your old manager!

For vacant properties, our team will conduct a full inspection and can handle utility turn-ons or transfers if needed. For occupied properties, we’ll handle communicating the change with the tenants.

Switching property management companies is never fun, but our goal is to make the experience as simple and stress-free as possible!

One thing to note: Castle won’t communicate with your previous manager directly. Instead, we ask that you get the necessary information from them yourself.

We do this because in our experience transitioning over 400 properties from other management companies, we’ve found that these companies are much more likely to be friendly and cooperative with you, their customer, than with us, a competitor.

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