Meet the Team: Tim Dingman, COO

Each week, we’ll be introducing you to a member of the Castle team. We’re starting this week with Tim Dingman, Castle’s operations guy and punk fanatic. Here’s a brief Q&A to provide you with a look into the Wild World of Tim:

What’s your favorite part about working at Castle?

The collaborative decision-making. Our team has established a formidable process for coming to conclusions about how we should run our business. I have experienced nothing even remotely like it.

What’s been the most interesting part of being a landlord so far?

Establishing the lease and accompanying house rules. Every property-landlord-tenant relationship is unique, and the lease and house rules must reflect or encapsulate the relationship. Those two documents lay the groundwork for everything that follows.

Before Castle, what was your proudest accomplishment?

Planning a conference called A Better World by Design. ABWxD is a student-run and student-led design conference held annually at Brown and the Rhode Island School of Design (RISD) in Providence. I was on the planning committee for the 2010 and 2011 conferences, a time of high growth and formalization for the event. In startup terms, we had moved from nailing it to scaling it.

What’s a fact about you that people might be surprised by?

I’m an Eagle Scout.

If you could have any celebrity be your landlord, who would it be?

Elon Musk. He could get our house solar panels through SolarCity and let us ride around in his prototype Teslas.

You can reach Tim anytime at

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