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Our three most recent articles:

When Buying a Tenanted Property, Buyer Beware

Buying a property that’s already tenanted can seem like a smart move, but there are a million ways it can go wrong.

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A Tour of Detroit’s Sherwood Forest Neighborhood

In our latest video, we take you on a tour of Detroit’s gorgeous Sherwood Forest neighborhood. Featuring Manly Daniel Davis, the notorious Outer Drive gap, and a challenge to all our viewers at home.

Why Are There so Many Scumbags in Real Estate?

Pop quiz: what do real estate agents have in common with car salesmen, telemarketers, and members of Congress?

Answer: They’re among Americans’ least-trusted professions, according to a recent Gallup poll.

In the Huffington Post, Castle cofounder Max Nussenbaum tries to figure out why.

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